Monday, November 10, 2008

Client Project

The progression of the client project has been running smoothly within my group and we have been doing well with what we've been given. There have been the halts/delays in certain aspects at different times, but it was usually because of things out of the group members' control. For the most part I have no complaints about the group. The members who are always present have done a great job at dividing up the work evenly, doing their part, and even helping out others.

Our biggest challenge is having to wait for responses from the members of the team before moving forward with different ideas for the project. So in between a lot of busy work, there is a little bit of down time where nothing can really happen until we hear back from them.

The key to these sorts of projects is to make sure to stay on top of things. Plan everything out ahead of time. Give each person a job. While doing so, record all that is being done to avoid any later discrepancies. There is always one member of the group that you can't rely on, so be prepared for that when dealing with assignments and with things that may need to be turned in or looked over. It is important to go into group projects with an open mind, patience, and being prepared to work.

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